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Our Certification

SEOKWANG Remanufactured Toner Cartridge that has proved its quality through various domestic and
overseas certifications is a remanufactured toner cartridge that replaces the main parts
(e.g. OPC drum, Cleaning Blade, Toner and so on) with totally new high-quality parts.
We concentrate our best efforts on the production of goods equal to the original goods
in the error rates, print quality and page yield (product life).

We Fous on Quality & Service

Environment marks

Environment mark is a voluntary-based certification system that provides the consumer (buyer) with information on the environmental improvement of the product as the logo (environmental marks) is displayed on the product and responds to consumers' preference for environmentally friendly products when a company improves “the environmental friendliness of the product" compared to other products of the same use so that it induces companies to develop and produce eco-friendly products

K mark

K-mark certification scheme is an independent evaluation system that evaluates, tests, and inspects the quality level of industrial products to promote technological development, quality improvement, and convenient selection of consumers and to protect users from shoddy and fault manufacture and installation.

Green Certification

Green certification verifies technologies that minimize emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants through saving and efficient use of energy and resources throughout social and economic activities such as greenhouse gas reduction technology, energy efficiency technology, clean production technology, clean energy technology, resource circulation and environmentally friendly technology. (including related fusion technologies)

Q마크 Q mark

Q마크 인증제도는 소비자의 이익보호와
공산품의 품질향상을 위하여 제품의
특성에 맞는 엄격한 검사기준을 제정하여
업체의 품질경영 체계 및 해당제품에
대한 품질을 보증하여 Q마크를

Excellent Product

Excellent product scheme designates products with superior performance, technology or quality as 'excellent product' and preferentially supplies them to each buyer organization through private contracts in order to improve the quality of procurement materials and support the market of small and medium-sized venture companies.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for the quality management of businesses enacted and performed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which certifies that the products and services provided to customers satisfy the prescribed requirements and are constantly maintained and managed.

ISO 14001

ISO14001 is one of the ISO 14000 series, an international standard for environmental management system established by the Technical Committee (TC 207) of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC (TC 207). It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through the policy of environmental management, specific goals and targets, stipulations of organizations and procedures to achieve them, and more efficient use of resources. It is an international certification for environmental management (environmental policy, action plan, implementation and corrective action, management review, continuous improvements, etc.) enacted by ISO in 1996. If an organization that can pollute the environment, such as a business or a government office, satisfies the environmental management system standard required by the standard, such organization can acquire ISO14001 certification after screening by a third party certification body


Patent means an administrative act which establishes a certain legal right or ability and a comprehensive legal relationship with a specific person in the administrative act. The Patents Act provides the grant of a patent confers upon a patent holder the exclusive right to exploit, or to authorise another person to exploit an invention that meets the requirements of this law during the patent term in order to contribute to industrial development by protecting, encouraging the invention and promoting the use of such invention.

Seo Kwang Will Never Be The Same!!

Company : Seokwang
TEL : 02 )3273-6181 / 080-212-7272
Address : 43, Yeouidaebang-ro 22ka-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Copyright © 2016 Seo Kwang Corp Ltd, All Rights Reserved